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I have often wondered if the modern day United States is traveling down the path that the Later Republican Romans were headed down. The late Republic had achieved Hegemony (supremacy, leading role ) in the whole western world after defeating Carthage, Gaul, and Alexander's successors in the east. America has achieved hegemony after Europe was weakened during two world wars, and Russia was economically crushed during the cold war. But today, like our Roman counterparts, we have some of the weakest and most unfocused leadership that we have ever had. Conservatives believe that the leadership has socially and economically betrayed it's base, and secular socialist as well as liberals feel that they have not seen the country move into the direction they want as fast. The senate approval, as in ancient Rome, has plummeted. Americans, as well as the ancient Romans, feel that our leaders have become detached from the common people, and will further their own goals no matter who is voted in. Are we at a pivotal changing point, as our Republican Roman predecessors were?
( all miniatures are 28mm foundry republican roman)